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Sometimes data fluctuates in a chaotic fashion, and it isn't easy to analyze or compare it between companies. In such cases, it might be helpful to display some mean reading of a particular indicator. 

In SCRAB, we use the median (often moving median) because it's slightly better than the pure arithmetical mean. The main advantage of the median is that it doesn't pay too much attention to the anomalies like extraordinarily high or low readings but rather sorts the numbers from lowest to highest and finds the middle value. 

How to display the median on any chart?

To calculate a median, click on a three dots menu and select the desired option. 

The problem with the median is that it often doesn't consider the change of the data over a more extended period. We can solve this by applying the so-called "moving median", which... "is moving" with the underlying data.

Moving median is created from a series of medians of different subsets of the entire data set and can be calculated using data from different periods, i.e., 1, 3, 5, or 7 years.

This is how to do this on Master Chart